Wellington WikiCon 2023

11 Mar 10:30am – 12 Mar 5:00pm 2023 NZDT

Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand Map

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Wellington WikiCon is New Zealand's third Wikimedia conference. It will be a relaxed event with opportunities for meeting other like-minded people and sessions about Wikipedia and sister projects based in Aotearoa. The Wikimedia movement is about free and open access to information about Aotearoa and the region. Most people involved in Wikipedia and this conference are volunteers with a wide range of interests.

The aims of the Wellington WikiCon are to:
- share information about Wikimedia platforms with new and existing audiences and editors
- create a space for skill sharing and development in all areas of Wikimedia

All people are welcome regardless of experience with Wikipedia.

Link to project page:

The conference operates under the Wikipedia Universal Code of Conduct to empower to actively participate in Wikimedia projects and spaces, to reach our vision of a world in which everyone can share in the sum of all human knowledge. We believe our communities of contributors should be as diverse, inclusive, and accessible as possible. We want these communities to be positive, safe and healthy environments for anyone who joins (and wants to join) them.

This Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) defines a minimum set of guidelines of expected and unacceptable behaviour. It applies to everyone who interacts and contributes to online and offline Wikimedia projects and spaces.


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Contact information

Bookings for this event have now closed.

Contact the event organiser